
Why Your Store Associates Should Be on Live Chat this Holiday Season

Learn how putting your store associates on live chat can help you manage the holiday rush, keep things personal, and boost sales at the busiest time of year.

A store associate responds to live chats on a tablet device

The holiday season isn’t just the peak time for sales—it’s also when your support requests flood in like never before. Customers want fast, personalized help, and if you can’t keep up with live chat and support tickets, you’re risking their satisfaction. The pressure is on to deliver seamless support while managing the chaos of holiday sales.

To solve this, your team faces a tough choice: either stick with your current capacity and risk unhappy customers and missed opportunities, or delegate the work to seasonal hires, support agencies, or expensive AI solutions. The latter option can lead to mistakes, dissatisfied customers, and the loss of the personal touch your brand is known for.

But what if there was a third option, one that lets you meet the demand without sacrificing quality or overburdening your staff?

Why Your Sales Associates Are the Solution

The answer to your problem might be closer than you think. While it can sound like a foreign concept, putting your retail sales associates on live chat is a game-changer.

Sales associates know how to handle customer inquiries, offer personalized recommendations, and close sales. Bringing them into the fold to help manage live chat during the holiday season allows you to respond faster, maintain a personal touch, and maximize sales opportunities.

Not convinced? Here are five reasons why this strategy works.

Watch Now: Why Put Retail Associates on Live Chat for the Holidays

1. Your Sales Associates Know the Brand Inside and Out

Let’s be honest: during the holidays, your customer support chats are flooded with traffic and questions. Hiring seasonal staff or outsourcing this help sounds appealing, but there’s a big catch. New hires won’t know your brand like your store associates do.

Your in-store sales team is already well-versed in the products, promotions, and brand voice. They’ve been trained to engage with customers in-store, answer questions, and make personalized recommendations. Bringing these knowledgeable team members onto live chat means the same expertise can be shared online, where most of your holiday customers are shopping.

By using live chat, your associates can interact directly with customers, helping them choose gifts, suggest complementary products, or resolve any questions. Customers get a seamless experience that feels personal, and sales increase as a result.

2. Keep Your Store Associates Productive

Foot traffic during the holidays is unpredictable. While the store might be packed on some days, there are times when associates aren’t as busy. What better way to keep your team productive than by having them assist customers online through live chat?

When store associates are on live chat, they can still remain available for in-person shoppers, but they’re also keeping the digital sales floor running smoothly. This way, even during slower moments, they’re actively contributing to the customer experience.

It’s a win-win. Your associates stay engaged, and your customers get real-time support from someone who knows your brand inside and out.

3. Drive Sales, Not Just Support

Sure, live chat is great for support requests, but it can do so much more. When handled by your store associates, live chat becomes a powerful sales tool.

Your sales associates aren’t just support agents, they’re also skilled at closing deals. They know how to upsell, cross-sell, and tailor recommendations to individual customers. By putting them on live chat, you can leverage their sales expertise to turn casual browsers into buyers.

Picture this: A customer is on your website, unsure about the sizing of one of your dresses. Your associate jumps in via live chat, offers personalized advice, suggests complementary products, and guides them through the checkout process. Suddenly, that uncertain customer is now a loyal buyer.

4. Efficiency Without the Hassle of Seasonal Hires

Hiring seasonal staff comes with its own set of headaches. Training new hires quickly, hoping they grasp your brand, and ensuring they’re a good fit can be risky and time-consuming. And let’s face it, the busy holiday season isn’t the best time to take chances.

Bringing your existing store associates into the fold solves this problem. They’re already trained, familiar with your brand, and can jump right in without the learning curve. Not only do they provide immediate value, but they also eliminate the need for temporary hires that may not work out.

5. Reframe What Live Chat is All About

The holiday season is make-or-break time for many retail businesses. The most important thing? Hitting your sales numbers. By using live chat, you can set up your associates for success in this critical period.

While traditional support agents might be bogged down with inquiries, your associates can focus on what they do best—selling. With Endear's SalesChat, they can have direct access to customers who are already engaged, making it easier to guide them toward a purchase. And if a customer needs specific help from a support agent, your associates can transfer them to the right person and channel.

In the end, the combination of knowledgeable associates and live chat creates a streamlined process that improves customer experience and maximizes your holiday sales potential.

Turn the Holiday Rush into an Opportunity

This holiday season, think differently about how to manage the chaos. Instead of stretching your support team thin or risking seasonal hires, bring your store associates onto live chat. They’re already brand experts, they know how to close a sale, and with Endear’s SalesChat, they have the tools to provide top-notch service without missing a beat.

The result? More efficiency, more sales, and happier customers.

Looking for a live chat that drives sales, not just support tickets?

Check out Endear's SalesChat - a tool that's built for connecting with online customers the way you would on the sales floor.