Take your Endear skills to the next level with free, online training from Endear Academy. Use our quick, practical videos and related articles to learn everything you need to know about how to get the most out of Endear.
Take a tour of the Home page in Endear. Your Home page can give you a recap and easy access to the rest of your Endear account activity.
Intro to Customer Audiences
Take a tour of the customer audiences section of Endear. Audiences are dynamic lists of customers you can build based on various behaviors or characteristics.
Intro to Customer Profiles
Take a tour of a customer profile in Endear. Customer profiles give you insight into customers' activity and who else from your team is working with this customer. From here, you can also begin a conversation with a customer.
Intro to Campaigns
Get an overview of the campaigns module in Endear. Learn about what they are and when to use them.
Intro to the Messaging Inbox
Take a tour of the messaging inbox sections in Endear. Learn the basics on how to manage and monitor your inbox, send messages, and take advantage of shortcuts, drafts, and templates.
Overview of SalesChat
Get an overview of the SalesChat feature in Endear to see how it works to drive new leads and nurture repeat shoppers.
Intro to Creative
Take a tour of the creative section in Endear. Get a brief overview of stories, products and assets.
Intro to Reports
Take a tour of the reports home page section in Endear. The insights section of Endear is where you can track overall team and user performance.
How to Invite a User onto Endear
Learn how to use our help center and how to ask support your questions.
Help Center & Chat with Support
Learn how to use our help center and how to ask support your questions.
Take a tour of the customer audiences section of Endear. Audiences are dynamic lists of customers you can build based on various behaviors or characteristics.
How to Create and Save a Customer Audience
In this video, you'll learn how to create and save a customer audience in Endear. Learn how to layer the right filters to get to the right list of customers.
How to Turn an Audience into a To-Do List
In this video, you'll learn how to take an audience you've made and turn it into a to-do list to keep track of customers you've messaged!
Exploring Audience Filters
In this video, you'll get an overview of all of Endear's filters and see some of the most-used options.
Audience Permissions
In this video, you'll learn how to change who can view an audience after it has been created
In this video, you'll learn how to create and save a customer audience in Endear. Learn how to layer the right filters to get to the right list of customers.
How to Import and Update Customers in Bulk Using an Excel File
In this video, you'll learn how to use the Excel CSV customer importer to import new customers and update existing customers in Endear.
Creating Tasks
Take a tour of the Tasks s section in Endear. Learn how to create a task and assign it to another member of your team.
Viewing Tasks
Take a tour of the Tasks s section in Endear. Learn how to view tasks and see what you need to get done.
Take a tour of the Notes section in Endear. Learn how to view, create, link, and delete notes.
Notes and Tasks on the Customer Profile
In this video, you'll get an overview of creating notes and tasks from the customer profile
Tagging Customers
Learn how to tag individual customers or bulk tag entire audiences at once.
In this video, you'll learn how to send a message to an individual customer through Endear.
How to Create a Template
In this video, you'll learn how to create and save a message template. Templates are a great way to ensure that your team is using the right language while also speeding up their outreach.
How to Send a Message to an Entire Audience of Customers
In this video, you'll learn how to send a message template to an entire audience, or list of customers, at once.
In-Depth Message Composition
In this video, we'll dig into mechanics of composing a message in Endear.
Best Practices for Messaging Customers
Learn about the retail communication funnel, store level marketing, and other best practices for sending messages to customers through Endear.
Take a tour of the reports home page section in Endear. The insights section of Endear is where you can track overall team and user performance.
Intro to the Messaging Report
Take a tour of the Messaging report in Endear. Use your messaging report to determine how your team's messages are performing in terms of customer engagement and conversion.
Intro to the Sales Report
Take a tour of the Sales Report in Endear. Use this report to find out how much in sales your various users and teams have generated over a chosen period of time.