
How Integrated POS Systems Fuel Effective Clienteling

Discover how integrating a modern Point of Sale (POS) system with a robust clienteling platform enhances the shopping experience.

Teamwork Commerce blog

Written by

Kallie Shirling, Partner Marketing Specialist @ Teamwork

Edited by

Madeleine Anderson, Partner Manager @ Endear


In today's retail world, integrating technology and strategy is critical for keeping customers happy and loyal. According to research conducted by HubSpot in 2020, 93% of customer experience leaders reported that customer expectations had reached an unprecedented high, signaling a significant shift in consumer demands and standards.

 Let's see how using a modern Point of Sale (POS) system paired with a strong clienteling platform can positively impact the overall shopping experience.

Introduction to Clienteling and Integrated POS Systems

Clienteling goes beyond just boosting sales numbers. It’s about cultivating genuine connections with customers that lead to increased lifetime value and loyalty. According to Deloitte’s 2024 US retail industry outlook report, Businesses with a strong level of trust from consumers demonstrate up to four times better financial performance compared to their industry counterparts. Additionally, customers who have trust in a brand are 88% more inclined to make repeat purchases.

Imagine a scenario where a customer receives a personalized text message from a trusted sales representative, informing them about a new apparel item similar to their previous purchases. The customer is intrigued and decides to visit their local store. Upon arrival, they have a chat with the employee who made the suggestion and are delighted with the recommendation. This culmination of positive experiences leads the customer to make a purchase. After the purchase, the store employee follows up with the customer to ensure they are still satisfied with their purchase, further solidifying the relationship and trust between the customer and your brand. 

The Power of a 360-Degree Customer View

When a POS system is connected to a clienteling platform, it provides a comprehensive view of each customer. This is where the real magic happens. A 360-degree customer view encompasses not only past purchases but also past recommendations, behavior, and interactions across different channels.

For example, a customer browsing an online store, looking for an outfit for a special occasion. They need assistance and use the sales chat feature to connect with a trusted sales representative who can provide personalized guidance. This representative creates a custom lookbook tailored to the customer's needs and previous purchases. While the customer reviews the suggestions, the salesperson on the chat platform notices that it's the customer's birthday today!

Seizing this opportunity to delight the customer, the salesperson extends warm birthday wishes and shares details about the special birthday offer currently available. This seamless interaction is made possible by integrated systems that empower sales associates to quickly access customer and product information found in the Point-of-Sale then utilize clienteling software to execute on the customer data.

This integrated approach not only facilitates personalized product support but also elevates the overall shopping experience for the customer. It showcases how technology can be harnessed to create meaningful and memorable interactions that leave a lasting positive impression on customers.

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Enhancing Customer Engagement and Loyalty

Retailers can enhance customer interactions and foster long-term loyalty by utilizing both POS data in clienteling tools. Here are some key ways this integration benefits both customers and businesses:

  • Personalized Recommendations: Based on the customer preferences and behavior, sales associates can recommend products using 1:1 communication as well as communication at scale. 
  • Tailored Communication: Retailers can emulate in-store interactions by sending personalized messages to customers using clienteling software. These messages rely on customer preferences and behavior that the point of sale recorded. As a result, open rates and engagement increase.
  • Consistent Brand Communication: These solutions combined enhance the in-store experience with the convenience and personal touch of online shopping, allowing retailers to engage with customers in a more personalized and efficient manner.

Data-Driven Insights for Continuous Improvement

A major benefit of integrating POS with clienteling is the real-time availability of data-driven insights. Retailers can look at key numbers like average order value, repeat purchase rates, and customer lifetime value. This helps to make smart choices about enhancing clienteling strategies.

Through examining consumer buying behaviors, retailers can identify customer trends and patterns. This data helps tailor product selections and promotional strategies to more effectively satisfy customer needs. Monitoring customer metrics and interactions such as the conversion rate on individualized communication can help to continue to improve messaging tactics and enhance customer satisfaction.

Ensuring Scalability and Adaptability

In today's dynamic retail landscape, a businesses ability to scale and adapt are paramount for long-term success. The integration between Teamwork Commerce's cloud-based, modular architecture, coupled with Endear's innovative clienteling solutions, empowers retail companies to grow their business while still fostering the needs of their customers.

Interested in learning more about the Teamwork Commerce omnichannel solution? Learn more here!

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