
How to Incorporate Video into your E-Commerce Experience [+ 10 Brand Examples]

Video is becoming consumers preferred way to do just about everything. Learn how you can use the medium to improve your customers' digital shopping experience and boost conversions on your e-commerce site.

hand holding video recorder

Written by

Leigh Sevin, Co-Founder @ Endear


As January comes to a close, brands are getting ready to announce their new spring lines. This year's collections will be a representation of what brands have learned from these many months dealing with COVID-19, with enough foresight to adjust both what and how they sell as a result of our new reality. While physical retail is still operating, there's no doubt that e-commerce has soared as the saving grace during this period, making up 18% of all retail sales, up from 16% in 2019. That said, brands have had to also quickly adopt new tactics to increase online conversions, which still linger at about 2.27% as of this month.

We find one trend on the topic of how to sell particularly interesting - how can brands increase conversion rates and how can they make shopping online more closely resemble shopping in-person? The answer for many brands has been to incorporate more video into their ecommerce experience.


The Power of Video

The power of video has certainly been documented. In a direct comparison through Facebook ads, video outperformed images in terms of clicks (2x) and conversions (20-30% higher). People's preferences for video has also increased: Youtube (exclusively video content) is the second most popular social media site overall, and the most popular site for Gen Z according to Google (who owns Youtube). And perhaps most important of all, in 2017 video was the most sought-after type of content among consumers.

While it may be obvious that video is a powerful medium, the issue in the past has been both the time and financial cost associated with its production. "Video marketing" typically evoked high-production value, film sets, multiple camera angles, and a whole cast and crew. But as video production has become more affordable (and iPhone cameras have become more high-quality), film has become an accessible way to enhance an online visitor's understanding of the products in front of her. Even more encouraging: consumers prefer more "authentic", less professional video style, so there is less pressure on making things look perfect.

Videos can generate conversion rates that are 20-30% higher than images on Facebook Ads.

Types of Video Content for Your E-commerce Site

there are plenty of interesting ways to incorporate video into your e-commerce experience, especially if you factor in the opportunities that come with live video and streaming. Let us count them:

'How-To' Content

If you are selling hardware or anything that may typically require a manual, how-to videos can be especially compelling for your audience. How-to's can also be used to show how one clothing item can work in a variety of pairings and contexts.

Behind-The-Scenes (or Stores)

If you have physical retail, you should certainly make it part of your e-commerce story. Behind-the-scenes tours or live streams of what your locations have in-stock is an excellent way to motivate your local customers to come visit you, along with giving online customers the sense of shopping in-store.

Products in Action

Similar to How-to content, products in motion really distill video down to its core value proposition. Compared to a static image that could be photoshopped or super-imposed onto a model, videos as part of product detail pages (PDP's) give customers more confidence about how the item will fit.

Virtual Styling and Virtual Appointments

Inviting your customers to participate in a video conference through your e-commerce site is a great way to build relationships and create one-on-one connection. The ability to sell face-to-face at a store contributes greatly to stores' high conversion rates and high AOV's, so replicating that as much as possible online can certainly give a boost in overall ecommerce performance.

Ready to launch personal styling?

Learn how Endear can help you bring personal styling to your online customers. With Endear, your store teams can have the same relationships over email and text as they do face-to-face.

User Generated Content / Testimonials

If you have customers that love you, invite them to share videos of themselves in your products. Nothing gives a more powerful and positive portrayal of a product's benefits than a fan making the most of what it has to offer.

10 Brands Using Video in their PDP's

To show how simple video content can be, here are ten brands already incorporating short videos into their e-commerce product pages.


How to Get Started (Video Editing Software)

But the tough part can also be video editing. Here are some of the top video editing apps for brands and retailers:

Vimeo: Vimeo is a popular video hosting platform that also offers a specific Shopify app for making product videos.

Promo - With Promo, you can use your own content or leverage their library of stock footage to create a one-of-a-kind marketing video. Overlay text, add CTA's, whatever you need to do.

The Call List - Turn your employees into influencers with group tutorials on makeup and any other type of how-to content your audience may find helpful.

ShopShops - Shopshops is a live-streaming shopping platform that helps you and your brand connect with shoppers in other markets.

Billo - Invite your ambassadors and customers to create great, brand-relevant content quickly and easily. Incorporate these videos in your product pages and your social media ads so new customers can hear what makes you special from their peers.

Video is a powerful medium that can help your audience feel ever closer to your brand. With Endear, you can leverage this content in messages sent directly to your customers with the help of your sales team. Learn more about the power of selling remotely.