
3 Proven Strategies to Enhance Customer Loyalty During Economic Downturns

Learn how getting vulnerable, sending personalized campaigns, and giving the right rewards can strengthen customer loyalty - even when customers are pinching pennies.

Customers in a retail store with tokens of customer loyalty - hearts, baloons, and letters - floating above

Written by

Robert Woo, Writer @ Endear


Pick your favorite rom com (we’ll go with When Harry Met Sally) and you’ll see that when the all-is-lost moment happens, our protagonist makes a grand gesture to win her (it’s usually her) back. The candles, the music, the running down multiple blocks during New Year’s Eve… sometimes you just have to pull out all the stops.

Well, retail brands, it’s time to channel your inner Harry Burns because, in today’s rollercoaster economy, consumers are tightening their purse strings. So while you might not be at the “all-is-lost” moment quite yet, it might still be time to start pulling out all the stops for their loyalty.

The current economic climate is enough to make even the most optimistic shopper think twice before splurging on that new pair of shoes or fancy sundress. High inflation has consumers losing confidence, and that’s translating into retailers like Burberry cutting jobs just to survive the downturn.

But while others flounder, you know that loyal customers are your brand’s lifeline during pullbacks. They’re the ones who will keep shopping with you through thick and thin, as long as you show them some love and appreciation. So how can you double down on increasing customer loyalty?

Well naturally, let’s take cues from our favorite romantic comedies. Or in other words, you’ll have what she’s having.

Be Vulnerable

Usually, the heart of the love interest finally melts when the stoic guy admits his faults and reveals his own insecurities. The vulnerability is refreshing and both she and the audience can get onboard now that he’s shown his softer side.

Likewise, generic, one-size-fits-all marketing messages are about as appealing as a soggy sandwich. It’s more endearing to be more personal, and even vulnerable, in order to relate to your audience and earn loyalty. As an AdAge article opined:

Bravado has its fans, as evidenced by the existence of lifted trucks—with their suspensions modified to increase the height of the vehicle and fitted with larger-than-average wheels and off-road tires. But having the courage to express genuine emotion inspires connection.

Brands can craft personalized communication that speaks directly to their customer’s situation. Imagine receiving a message that says, “Hey, we know times are tough out there. We’re feeling it too. Since we’re all in this together, we want to offer you a special discount on office-wear since we all can use a little pick-me-up these days.” This type of relatable message makes customers feel valued and understood.

Be a Great Gift Giver

If there’s one thing we all love, it’s feeling appreciated. Grand gestures are one thing, but sometimes the little things really show how much you care. Remember when it just came down to a simple birthday cake and candles in Sixteen Candles? The scene was small, but the gesture was exactly what she wanted. (Let’s gloss over the underwear…)

Similarly, reward programs are a fantastic way to show customers you value them, but only if they’re done right. The key is to make the rewards meaningful and attainable, so customers feel motivated to participate. By tracking customers’ engagement and tailoring rewards to their preferences, your brand can ensure your loyalty program hits home instead of giving them something that they don’t really want.

Know what your customers really want

Get our guide on 4 key ways to use customer data to drive personalized engagement and longterm loyalty.

Show You Know Them Inside and Out

"I love that you get cold when it's seventy one degrees out, I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich, I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts, I love that after I spend a day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night."

- Harry, from When Harry Met Sally

At the climax of the movie, Harry shows Sally just how much he knows her; evidence enough that he really does care and that they are meant for each other. Taking the time to really know all those details is the magic that saves the day.

Well, remember that time you walked into a store, and the salesperson remembered your name, your favorite color, and that you always look for sustainable options? That’s the magic of clienteling, and Endear can help you do it better than any other CRM. By equipping your sales associates with detailed customer profiles, you can ensure that every interaction is truly personalized and meaningful, showing that you’re just as loyal to them as they are to your brand.

Sales associates can access a customer’s purchase history, preferences, and even notes from previous interactions via the CRM. This wealth of information allows them to provide tailored recommendations, answer questions with confidence, and make customers feel truly special. It’s like having a personal shopper who knows you better than you know yourself. This level of personalized service builds trust and loyalty, encouraging customers to return time and again.

So when consumers are pulling back their spending, it’s crucial for retailers to pull out all the stops to activate their loyalty. By leveraging better clienteling, you can create personalized communication, design better loyalty programs, and show that you understand exactly who they are. These strategies will not only increase customer loyalty but also drive repeat sales and ensure your business thrives, no matter what challenges come your way.

Though maybe skip the big kiss at the checkout counter. Could get awkward.