
Keep the conversation going with Iterable

Quickly and easily view data from Iterable to better engage with shoppers and drive loyalty.

Endear integration with Iterable
Anine Bing logo
Todd Snyder New York logo
Reformation logo
Alex Mill logo
Staud logo
  • One click integration with Iterable.

    One-click Integration

    Our one click integration with Iterable requires no tech lift on your end. Once connected, you'll see your marketing information in customers' profiles.

  • Enhanced support with Endear and Iterable.

    Enhanced Visibility

    Get better visibility across your teams. You'll know when a customer has consented to marketing or received an email or SMS through Iterable right in Endear

  • Retail made easy with Iterable and Endear

    Sell Smarter

    View marketing history right in your customers profile to seamlessly connect and recommend products accordingly.

How much more monthly revenue could you be earning with Endear?

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